Tag Archives: Lamp

Decorating a house without a house

20 Apr

As I hungrily await for our time to by a house, I find fun little tidbits online. I’m thinking of many different rooms when I search. I found this IKEA light where you can add anything you want into the outside cylinder.  How great would this be in a kids bedroom?  You could have toy cars or little Barbie doll shoes, and then as they age, you can change it out with more teenager things, like shredded paper or money.  It says dry items only, but if you use mineral oil–a non-conductive liquid– it should be okay.

Ikea PS Pendant Light

I also saw a theme for a baby’s room that was a hot air balloon theme (not tacky).  It was minimalist and graphic. Loves!


This desk unit includes a detachable desk with expandable shelving.  How great is that???  Everyone always needs more space for all their crap..I mean “treasures.”  I think placed in a guest room or a kids room as a craft station would be the best use.  Little boxes and trinkets would be highlighted.

The problem with Ikea though, is you better be able to lift this by yourself or have your sig other come and put it together for you.  The price you pay for cheapness!